Cancer 'Treatment' Is Designed To Kill
The Irish are in a trauma bond with the HSE and willingly queue up to take the latest poison for cancer they don't even have. No wonder so many are dying on the 'six-week' death protocol.
We’re hearing a lot about ‘turbo cancer’ at the moment. It’s obvious from the death notices that many young people in Ireland are dying ‘after a short illness’. But in reality, it’s not the cancer that’s killing them. It’s the HSE ‘Care Plan’ which is akin to the notorious ‘Liverpool Care Pathway’ aka Death By Doctor.
It’s a clever tactic woven into the regime’s bigger plan to cull a sizeable chunk of the younger goy population whose slave careers will soon be replaced by AI and there will be no pension/taxpayer ‘support’ available for them. It’s carried out under the guise of ‘it’s for your good’ so nobody notices or they’re too terrified of the white coats to resist.
The dumb masses still believe their doctors have their best interests at heart. Have they learned nothing from the last few years? When you see the young faces staring out from, you have to wonder. They keep going back to their abusers for more abuse. Even though they’re not sick, they willingly go for scans to scare the life out of themselves. A mysterious ‘mass’ is typically found usually in the form of a completely benign cyst, fibroid or fatty lump, all of which become common as we age. It’s misdiagnosed accidentally on purpose as cancer ($$$$) - which is just another form of bodily detox and nothing to be scared of - and before you know it, a perfectly healthy person is on the road to premature death with radical surgery, high dose chemo and toxic radiation: SLASH, BURN AND POISON (SBP) is the government protocol: the hospitals are only ‘following orders’ - just as they did when they hooked healthy Covidian sheep up to ventilators, Midazolam and Remdesivir - killing them ‘with kindness’. As always, it’s about the cash and cull, and nothing more.
So when you hear of death by cancer now, adjust your thinking. The chemo is what actually killed the person combined with deadly surgery and radiation. And if you’re in the presence of a HSE operative offering ‘care’, run as fast as your legs will carry you.
Oh, "training for cancer" starts with childhood "vaccinations" that contains stuff to make sure 40 or 50 years later, the victim will develop "cancer."
What is the predominant ethnic and cultural background of “doctors” in Ireland? Has it changed quickly in recent years? In Sam Diego, “doctors” are increasingly from a couple of specific ethnic and cultural backgrounds, and I believe this is intentionally engineered. The backgrounds I am thinking of would be more than happy to cull western populations, inhabit the land with “their people” and are fully on board with the technocratic great reset. It matches their prejudices, as far as I can tell.